May 13, 20193 min

Bec Brideson's Answers to Thriving Interview

Updated: Oct 18, 2019

Answers to Thriving with Bec Brideson

Founder and executive creative director of Venus Comms, Founder of Women With Agency and founder of gender intelligence agency Bec Brideson.

Bec Brideson is a globally renowned pioneer in gender intelligence innovation. A champion for change and a pioneer for women, Bec left a brightly flourishing career in advertising to start her own agency focused on meeting the marketing needs of women. Bec is also a global speaker who educates organisations about making the necessary changes to future-proof them for the oncoming rise of women and their wealth.

The ‘Answers to Thriving' is an interview series that takes a look at the women who have created a life of self-success. We uncover key moments, lessons and habits that have influenced the life they lead today.

You can’t start the day without:

The 3 Cs: Coffee, Cuddles, Communication (my phone).

A favourite quote is:

The teacher appears when the student is ready.

One wellness ritual you do regularly:

Gym and Danielle LaPorte's 'Desire Map Planning'.

The last inspiring podcast you listened to and what makes it worth a listen:

The Gender Knot - Male & Female Millenials Talking Gender

A recommended read for personal growth:

Danielle LaPorte's 'The Firestarter Sessions' - they helped me find my 'why' and helped me start from a place of authenticity that was deeply rooted in my being.

Which business or person inspires you right now and why?

Shelley Zallis at The Female Quotient. She revolutionised research when research became digital/online and then used the profit from that business to go and empower other women in business. That is absolutely what I want and have set out to do.

What has been the most defining moment in your career to date?

Starting my first business, Venus Comms (still alive and well) in 2004. It changed my whole life, and trajectory.

Who has helped you progress in your career the most and what did they do to support you?

Everyone I work with teaches me things I don't know everyday. There is no single 'sponsor' and it's a village who raised me: my family, my employers and employees.

A fear you've had to overcome to pursue your ambitions:

My fear of the 'unknowns'. Everyday is a new opportunity if you see it that way.


Life/career advice you wish you'd been given in your early 20s:

To find your voice and to make sure to use it. If you believe in your own perspective, you can make a difference.

For women who want to make a positive change in their life, what advice would you give them?

If you really want to make a positive change - you need the courage to use that voice and speak up. And even better than that, back yourself even if no one else does.

What does thriving mean to you?

Thriving means growth from all aspects of your being: spiritual, financial, emotional while maintaining your physical wellbeing and balance.

Anything else you would like to share with our readers?

Check out my initiative called Women With Agency - it's a database I've created that wants to support female founders within comms with ambitions of expanding beyond comms to support all kinds of female founders across Australia and eventually internationally. And please connect with me - always happy to be Linkedin!

You can discover in-depth details on more gender-intelligence and innovation in Bec Brideson's book 'Blind Spots: How to uncover and attract the fastest emerging economy'.

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