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Your Money Relationship






The Details

Much of what we think, how we act and feel about money is subconscious. Meaning that quite often we're not even aware of them - they just happen!


We are going to explore your relationship with money by using archetypes to identify current patterns and behaviours with money that you have developed over your lifetime.


Your money type is not your personality or “who you are”, but are symbolic metaphors that help us to understand our patterns and behaviours.  They create awareness of “where we are” and where we need to grow, so that we can become aware of, and change our subconscious behaviours with money.



This class is for you:


  • Seem to repeat mistakes when it comes to managing money and making financial decisions

  • Have trouble turning knowledge into action when it comes to implementing money habits and behaviours (i.e. budgeting, saving, not using credit cards)

  • Feel a desire to align your money and your life in a more purposeful and connected way

  • Feel limited by, trapped or controlled by money and want to shift this

  • Don’t feel blessed with the “money gene”

  • Have a desire to take back control of money and start using it as a resource to create a life well lived and to attract more wealth and wellbeng in life.

  • Feel like there is more to life than just earning money!




You'll take away from this class:


  • Insight into how your money story was formed

  • An understanding of what drives your money decisions and behaviours

  • A strategy to help take back control over your relationship with money and develop more helpful habits

  • Awareness of your strengths and limitations present in your current relationship with money and life.

  • A guide to help you develop the necessary attributes that will ensure you have a healthy relationship with money

  • An assessment of your money type, and an understanding of the impact it is having on your life and your relationship with money

  • A framework to identify the key patterns and behaviours with money that are supporting you or limiting you in your wealth and wellbeing

  • An awareness around your “blocks” with money and identify what work you might need to do to free the flow of money into your life


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Lea Schodel is the Founder of Wellthy Pty Ltd and The Mindful Wealth Movement, a program that empowers women to take control of their relationship with money to create more wealth, health and wellbeing in their lives.


Lea is a Certified Money Coach, Wellness Coach and Yoga Teacher, and has 17 years experience as a Financial Services Professional in her former role as a financial adviser. In 2017 she was named Female Financial Adviser of the Year in Australia and won Money Management's Young Achiever of the Year in 2016.

Lea talks and teaches money in a holistic and creative way. She has an online course,  runs online coaching programs, as well as wealth and wellbeing workshops, events and retreats globally, which incorporate personal finance concepts with mindfulness, wellbeing and positive psychology.


Twitter  @leaschodel
Insta @themindfulwealthmovement
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