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Updated: Jan 24, 2019

Answers to Thriving with Becky Pinkard
Answers to Thriving with Becky Pinkard

VP, IT and Intelligence at Digital Shadows - published author and professional speaker - 2016 Security Champion of the Year, Women in IT Awards


The ‘Answers to Thriving' is an ongoing interview series that takes a look at the women who have created a life of success. We uncover key moments, lessons and habits that have influenced the life they lead today.


YOU can’t start the day without:

A latté! I'm thinking about enrolling in a barista course this year - it's a little out of control!

A favourite quote is:

You don't know, until you hear "no", so ask!

One wellness ritual you do regularly:

Try to get a full night's sleep, but the 1-year old isn't getting in on the plan yet!

A PODCAST you love:

I've recently found; Women and the Art of "How to Own the Room" by Viv Groskop. I have loved the first few episodes for the variety of women that Viv has interviewed. There are a lot of different voices, with a lot of different experiences to listen across.

A recommended read for personal growth:

I had a close friend recommend "Turn the Ship Around!" by L. David Marquet and despite my initial hesitation to dig into what I perceived to be a "military book", I found it very relatable for myself, as well as my team.

How do you go about self development?

At a snail's pace! I always seem to have to take the longest way, across the worst planes of self-doubt and pothole-ridden routes. I am my own worst critic.

Which business or person inspires you right now and why?

I met an amazing CISO almost a year ago who told me it was ok to be myself and that I should seek out the places and roles where I can be myself - I think about her advice often and it has most definitely inspired my decisions since.

I met an amazing CISO almost a year ago who told me it was ok to be myself and that I should seek out the places and roles where I can be myself

What has been the most defining moment in your career to date?

Making the decision to move to the UK to accept a role with a bank here back in 2008. It changed everything - my career AND my personal life!

Who has helped you progress in your career the most and what did they do to support you?

I was fortunate enough to meet an amazing VP at a global telecoms company 15 years ago who informed me that I was "over qualified and under paid" and immediately offered me new job with a $30k raise. She was the first one to point-blank help me understand where I stood as a woman in infosec at the time and how to take more control of my own career.

Everyone needs this sort of mentor/truth-teller in their careers!

She was the first one to point-blank help me understand where I stood as a woman in infosec at the time and how to take more control of my own career.

A fear you've had to overcome to pursue your ambitions:

That I do actually know what I'm talking about and it's ok to act like it! It only took me to my mid-40s to figure that out...

An achievement you're most proud of:

I was a certified instructor for the SANS Institute for over 10 years - I worked hard to get there and even harder to do the teaching, on top of my full-time roles at the time.

Life/career advice you wish you had been given in your early 20s:

If you wait (sometimes even for just a few seconds!), the surge feelings of anger /disappointment/fear/jealousy will fade and then you can deal with the issue in a more rational manner.

For women who want to make a positive change in their life but don't know where to start, what advice would you give them?

Pick one thread. A lot of times the projects I am faced with feel daunting when taken at face value - I find if I just pick one item and start on that, it helps to create order for the rest. And if I pick the wrong one? I try to realise that quickly and then pick another one to start on!

What does thriving mean to you?

Feeling invigorated, passionate and in tune with my work life. I am fortunate in my personal life to be happily married with 3 beautiful children - I have my personal loves and inspiration right there. Between that and my work, I am blessed to be truly thriving.

Anything else you would like to share with the Thrivhers community?

I've recently started an infosec-focused podcast with an amazingly brilliant lady by the name of Dr. Victoria Baines - please do come give us a listen and let us know what you think! You can find us on Twitter here: or @CyberWarriorPr1.



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Wealth: We ensure our money is setting us up for the life we live today and the future

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